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“A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove...but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child.”

Monday, January 14, 2013

Understanding answers to prayers

As A couple we have been earnestly praying about some life changing decisions. I have always struggled with waiting for answers. I am like a petulant child who wants to know now!!!!!! I make it a practice to listen to old conference talks while getting ready in the morning. Yesterday I was listening to a talk by Richard G. Scott called "Supernal Prayer". He explained the ways that answers come to prayers. He reminded us that answers seldom come while we are on our knees. That the answers come in steps- small impressions or whispers Of the spirit. Intellectually I knew this- after all I have received answers to prayers before but the hard ones for me are the ones where I want the answer to be yes and the Lord has a few more steps in mind before I know what I am to do. He said something that made quite an impression on me. He talked about the peace we feel when the answer is yes. About the confusion or stupor of thought when the answer is no and then the prayers where no impression comes. He said those are the times we should thank the Lord for trusting us!! If we move forward and still try to receive impressions He will stop us if the move we make is wrong. I have also come to know that sometimes the answer "yes" comes with a purpose. For instance in our last adoption experience we both felt that we should move forward and yet in the end it didn't work out. I remember pleading with Heavenly Father to understand why he let us feel such pain. In hindsight we look back and learned some things. We know that the mom has her free agency. We know that we want to work with birth parents who seek help from counselers and we want their parents and brothers and sisters to be supportive. We learner what red flags to watch for and that the case workers are a part of this for a reason. They have the experience that we do not. They can help resolve questions and issues. I have also come to rely on answers to prayers in my calling. For instance I received a impression to call someone to a position and didn't understand why. My own experience with this person made me doubt their abilities. But the Lord was insistent and I have discovered I was wrong. This was suppose to be their calling. I guess it all comes down to doing your best to live your life in such a manner that you are open to the spirit and to develop a trust in the Lord. He knows what is best. He is also doing his best to teach this petulant child patience. Yesterday I was reminded in the words of a song sung by the children. Heanenly Father are you really there? And do you hear and answer every child's prayer? Seek He is there. Speak he is listening. You are his child his love now surrounds you. I must remember my mother in laws favorite scripture."Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and he will direct thy paths." Proverbs 3:5-6

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