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“A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove...but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child.”

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Another day in the life of the Primary President

This is me the day of our mini mission
Today was the 5th Sunday of the month.  The sharing time manual only provides lessons for the usual 4 Sundays in the month.  So we usually have a guest speaker or one of the presidency teaches.  I had decided I would teach. We are planning on focusing on service this next year, and how serving other people helps them to know they are loved and in turn children of our Heavenly Father.  I had prayed long and hard about what to present to the children this Sunday.
A few weeks ago we attended the tabernacle Christmas concert with Alfie Boe.  As much as I enjoyed his performance, what stuck with me was the story of the candy bomber. (Gail Halvorsen) It impressed me to think that what started with 2 sticks of chewing gum, brought hope to a whole country of children and hopefully their parents.
I did some research on Brother Halvorsen and discovered that the "Friend" had published his story, many years ago.  I wanted to impress to our children, that even small acts of service could make a difference in peoples lives.  I created a power point presentation using the story from the "Friend" and pictures off of google of the candy bomber.  I wanted something I could use as a story book, since so many of our children are younger.
I started out by challenging one of the older girls to divide 2 sticks of gum into enough pieces to share with the whole primary.  The most she was able to divide it into, was 10 small pieces.  With teachers and students we had about 20 people there today.
I then proceeded to tell them the story of the candy bomber.
In my experience this has only happened a few times. We often feel the spirit, but to feel it the whole presentation is rare!, The spirit entered, and the children were quiet and paid close attention.  I felt like the words were being placed into my mouth.  My thoughts were clear and I was able to focus on what needed to be said instead of what I thought I needed to say.
 We are going to use a warm fuzzy jar this year, and I place one pom pom in the jar and asked them if it filled the jar?  When they agreed that one "fuzzy" wasn't much. I asked them if Brother Halvorsen knew that when he gave that group of children his last two pieces of gum that it would change their world?  He didn't know that when he made 3 small parachutes with 3 candy bars that first time that 20 tons of candy and parachutes would be donated and dropped for so many children.  He didn't know that by one small act of service he could do big things!! I then challenged the children and teachers to do small acts of service in their homes, schools and neighborhoods to help others to know they are loved.  We will ask who did service the week before on Sunday and ask a small number of children to share. a warm fuzzy will be placed in the jar for each act of service.   At the end of the year we will use the warm fuzzies to make ornaments for our tree and then send them home with each child and teacher after Christmas.
This is the story I used.  I just printed it out and used a comb binder to make it into book form.  All credit for story goes to  Jan Pinborough.  I only added my testimony at the end by challenging the children to be like Jesus.  I don't own the story, the clip art or the photo's used.

If you are interested in having a copy of this presentation, leave a comment with your email address and I will be happy to send it to you!!


Friday, December 28, 2012

The world of boys!!!!

Dawsyn, Jayden, and Blake

Its funny to me to be surrounded by little boys!!  I love frilly pretty dresses, jewelery, and all things girly!!!
Yet, I spend at least 6 days a week tending 2 to 3 little boys.  I have had Declan since he was 7 weeks old and he is now about 20 months.  Jayden since he was about 10 weeks and he is 8 months old, and his older brother Dawsyn, off and on through out his life and he is 8 years old.  I tend at my place 3 days a week and my sisters 3 days, so I get to spend time with Jayden and Dawsyn's oldest brother who is almost 18.  He was my very first nephew and my first real experience with dealing with boys.
I have discovered that boys have a world filled with cars, blocks, balls and lego's.  They also think burping and passing gas is funny!! They love to jump on each other, roll on the floor and occasionally beat on each other.  I have been welcomed to the world of sponge bob square pants, rap music, and video games,  Ant farms, sea monkey's and beta fish.
I have also discovered that there is nothing in the world like little boy kisses and hugs!! They snuggle and cuddle and love their auntie!!  They smile toothless smiles, tell the best jokes and fill my life with wonder  as they explore the world!! 
When I was young I used to think I wanted a little girl first, but now, I would welcome either!! I love my niece Addi and enjoy playing house with her!!  We have painted finger nails, toes and dressed up as princesses!! But I can also appreciate the world of boys!!  The love of a child is priceless no matter how it comes! I just pray that Berrett and I will be blessed with that kind of love soon!!